Monday, September 27, 2010

Shop, Purge, Love

It's been a busy few weeks... I received my Gilt order, and pretty much loved everything that was in it! I will post pictures soon of the lovely Converse coats. I did end up returning most of the Urban Outfitters order, since most of it was way too big anyway. When I was visiting the Urban Outfitters store, I saw two different colors of a ruffled shirt that I had already ordered online in a size smaller...and for a lower price! I tried them on and fell in love with them... so I took both of them home with me! Oops. I decided to give the one from the online order to my sister... and got a price adjustment on it! Score! I also got a price adjustment for the other item I ordered... an ivory ruffle-y vest. I guess you can say I'm currently into ruffles. :)

I did manage to do some closet editing when my best friend visited me for a few days. It was actually a big dusty so I wore a surgical mask so I wouldn't get all congested. I have to confess that I snatched back a few jackets after she left though... It's hard for me to let those go! There are two large bags of clothes that I need to get rid of... I think I will try to hit the used clothing stores first, then friends, then Goodwill.

After my spendy first week of the month, I really slowed down. The only online order I made was for an Origins mask that came with some good samples. Hopefully it will bust some blackheads! This weekend I found myself at the mall... I did spend some, but pretty much all of it will be reimbursed through some mystery shops I performed. I also used that Gap groupon (pay $25 for $50 of merchandise) and scored three lovely cardigans! Two of them were lucky finds from online returns to the store at an additional 25% off, and the other just happened to be 50% off... and I'm wearing it right now! It is 100% wool and cut very slim with cute snap buttons that are hidden when closed and are cute details when open.

Oh I was also able to score an awesome deal on an Oral B Vitality toothbrush at CVS. I basically just paid tax on it and it was worth $23.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gilt guilt

In the past 12 hours I have done exactly the opposite of the title of this blog... Which is probably why it's needed! Gilt Groupe had one of their crazy 80% or more Final Sales, and I got suckered in. I have a little time to change my mind, but it's likely that I won't. Two nice Converse by John Varvatos coats, a French Connection Dress, and two cute tees from Converse and Demy Lee. I also shopped on Urban Outfitter's site last night. Oy vey. At least I can return the Urban Outfitters if I decide I don't want it. I should probably return some even if I do to offset the Gilt guilt!

I was so good about tracking all of my expenses for the last year until June, and then I petered off and now my impulsive spending is coming out in full force.